Saturday, February 2, 2013

Days 2, 3 and 4 with Dr Farias

Day 2: A major breakthrough. Learning the difference between the logical left hemisphere and right side-creative/flowing-fast-electrical charge type movement or global movement as he calls it. For example tremolo should focus on on thumbs and rhythm while ignoring fingers. They should simply flow in bursts. Yes, I already new this, but understanding it in a new way helped my process. 

At a certain point I was able to play nearly a full falseta of tremolo for the first time in over a year. This feeling was later able to transfer to fast buleria arpeggio movement as well as Granaina at the softest volumes. Hallelujah. 

Day 3 was difficult. The breakthrough of day 2 did not carry over much. Depressing. It is important to understand that this is part of the process just as much as the breakthroughs. 

We addressed issues with various techniques today, and the tension both in the active muscles/joints as well as the tension created in the body/breathing. 

Day 4 -  Today seemed to be somewhere between day 2 and 4 as far as my ability to play. That this is not the point is part of what I am learning.

Dr. Farias identified the last of the physical issues with my arpeggio movement. 

More important, I've learned to identify the various aspects of my FD and feel them as they happen. I've been shown a systematic approach to reprogramming my brain to do correct movement and have already seen it work.

I've already learned how to continue to teach myself to reprogram and eventually do away with all dystonic movement and tension/anxiety. It is now clear what I have to do, I just have to accept that it will be up and down for the long haul. 

The prognosis: Dr. Farias believes I can make a full recovery in 6 months if I do this the right way. No pressure to speed the process, just doing what I have to do 7 days a week. 

As great as all this sounds, none of it is a given, and there is plenty of hard work ahead as well as the emotional challenge. I have to stay 100% focused on my recovery and my health and it will work out. Depression is guaranteed death for any rehabilitation so I will have to fight off the bad for sure. So far the excitement of being able to play well at all is overpowering any negatives. 

I will have 2 more follow up visits next week then work on my own for a few months. 

More to come, will keep you all posted. Feelin' all the love you are sending. Abrazos-  E


Michaud Savage said...


You're a total badass. Keep pushing through this.


Benjamin Spanish Flamenco Guitar said...

Nice bro, you can do it!

Benjamin Spanish Flamenco Guitar said...
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Jim Goza said...

Hey, that's great news Eric! You give the rest of us hope. Thanks for leading the way, Maestro.